Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A stem in leaf plot is an easy way to group numbers together and cut down on alot of time and space. This graph shows and tells you exactly how a stem and leaf plt works. You basically put the first number on the outside and the sec numbers on the inside of the line.


Box ploting is a good way to group numerical values together and through 5 different summaries. It calculates the minumum, maximum, median, and quartile 1 and 3.

Histgrams are used to compare alot of different data and show the variation of a certain variable. This graph shows the average score of the test and the number of students that received those grades.

Parallel Coordinate System is used predominantly in baseball statistics where you are able to show a varies number of stats and being able used in one plot.


A triangular plot shows 3 variables and compares this accordingly to their color. This triangular plot has 3 variables and a color sceme of 7 different colors to show the differences.

A windrose graph shows the amount and the percentage of wind change is all different directions. You can measure any direction needed to know the wind changes.

A climograph shows the climate changes from month to month in the given area. This graph shows the precipiation and the temperature changes on a month to month basis.
